Spring is here, and pantyhose are out

  • Here in Ottawa, Canada, the weather is getting nicer. Today was only 13 degrees Celsius, but woman were out in pantyhose. Women ranged from 20-somethings to 50-somethings. I saw at least a dozen women in hose today.

    I saw a young woman at a local market wearing short shorts with beautiful sheer black pantyhose. She absolutely rocked it. She was also wearing short black ankle boots. I watched her walk by, and I think my wife saw me watching the young woman, but neither my wife nor I discussed it afterwards. I was very smitten with the pantyhose wearer.

    Women are beautiful beings. Long live the hosed legs!

  • Nice, men that wear pantyhose notice things like that, I always wore pantyhose since 5yrs old, glad wife found men's pantyhose with fly from activeskin, now disabled need same but support, looked here and had some men's pantyhose, lshsne so many men hide it, wear under pants, stash ect... If wife asks don't lie.. just drop pants and say yes lol

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