xmas wish list from shapings

  • was wondering what would be your fav shapings hosiery too find under the xmas tree , 

  • well seeing i asked i better add mine    CDR eterno 9   ,  transperanze  clara 20   , hudson soft 15  , platino nacar , šŸ˜‹

  • Hiya Steff. Tough question for sure, but I'm going with,

    Hudson Simply 20, and Simply Shine 15

    Trasparenza Oleandro 20s 

    Anything CDR 

  • @Steph T indeed , theres many brands and styles too choose from as they are all great , well done shapings šŸ˜Š

  • sheer to the waist, suntan pantyhose.  How about you?

  • @steff cd LOL, that was meant for you

  • Hi Steff
    Good topic

    Some of the hosiery (only from the pantyhose category) that I've been loving lately are (in no particular order) what I'm showing below.  They've all proven to be comfortable to wear, as well as looking incredibly beautiful on the leg, and silky soft to touch.
    From right to left in the photos, we have:
    Oroblu Vanite 15
    Oroblu Sensuel 20
    Ibici Classic 15
    Ibici Acquamarina Extra Light 15
    Cecilia de Rafael Vdirio 15
    Cecilia de Rafael Rubino 22

    Santa please...šŸ˜‡

  • CDR Sevilla Libero all the way 

  • I'm going to put in my 2 cents worth for hosiery I really enjoy: 

    Kunert Mystique 5, Oroblu Divine 10, Trasparenze Capri 8 den, Le Bourget Second Skin 15, Trasparenze Noemi 8 den in Antracite, and Pierre Mantoux Veloutine 15 just to name a few. 

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