Tights Frame of Mind - A Pantyhose Podcast

  • Hi all, this is something all you pantyhose lovers will likely enjoy!
    Hosted by the Pantyhose King & McSheer, this is a podcast about pantyhose and the men and women who wear them. Whether it be fetish, fashion or a bit of both, we interview everyone who's lives have been touched by the silky wonder of pantyhose ranging from entrepreneurial pantyhose companies, adult performers, fashion experts, fetishists and how this unassuming garment has risen to the global phenomenon that it is today! 
    And if anyone from Shapings is reading this, we'd love to have you on as guests!

  • Hello,

    It is a very interesting and entriguing subject and the avenues that this garment can go down is very wide.   I would be interested in participating but I would need to first listen to your Podcasts.  Please contact me directly at frontdesk@shapings.com to discuss this further.

    Robert Safko

    Shapings Inc.



  • Also Strictly anonymous podcast with Cathy has a lot of pantyhose episodes.

  • I've actually made a guest spot (as patron) on the podcast! It's great!

  • @Mitch Smith True that...I stumbled across a YouTube video audio only of one of her podcasts.  Wasn't looking at all for anything like that but it was sent to me via YouTube's algorythm likely because I watch a lot of fashion vids that pertain to designer clothing and fashion accessories, make up, designer high heels etc.  Pantyhose and stockings are often used as hashtags, I have noticed, in videos about high heels.  Betting that's how her podcast ended up in my feed.
    Anyway, I listened to one or 2...LoL...kinky stuff.  Her guests certainly explored the fetish aspect of pantyhose in the 2 vids that I listened to.  That was a bit of an "ear" opener for this lady. šŸ˜¬

  • @Pantyhose King I come by my interest and affection of fine hosiery honestly as a woman.  I wear them as a fashion option and necessity.  I am in a skirt about 95% of the time, and always wear hosiery with my skirts because it's quite simply a more polished and professional look.
    I grew up in Montreal, a very fashion forward city, so my tastes and dressing practices are informed, no doubt, by the experience of coming of age in a European flavoured milieu that Montreal was and probably still is to some extent today.
    The fetish interest in pantyhose, stockings, high heels, leather, etc isn't lost on me.  I've had several boyfriends in my earlier life who very much had a near obsession with my legs and shoes, particularly when I wore pantyhose (back then) and stiletto high heels.  I worked as a flight attendant for a major Canadian carrier then, and was made aware very early on about the male fantasy world involving flight attendants, their legs, shoes and the uniforms we wore.
    I haven't availed myself of having a listen to any of your podcasts, as such.  I'm not really a podcast(er) and am unfamiliar with exactly how one goes about finding such a thing.  Can you shed some light on it for me with maybe a link or some instructions about how to locate what you are doing as a content creator, please?  Thanks

  • @Carrie Stuart , are you looking for how to listen to us or how we find our research, or how to be on the podcast? McSheer would love to have you as a guest!


    As for links:




  • @hunterloveshose and you are amazing on it!

  • @Pantyhose King Thanks for getting back to me, and so quickly.  I'm not jonesing to be a guest or interviewed, per se, but more interested to listen to your material and find out a little more about how you research your subject matter.  That would be more in line with my curiosity level.

    FWIW, my present and past use of hosiery has always been fashion related, despite being made aware by several boyfriends that pantyhose and stockings had a certain "power" over them when women wore them.  For me, that's a side effect, and not a motive for wearing, on my part.  Bonus points, as it were.

    I'll check you out on YouTube since that's a medium I'm the most familiar with when looking for content.  
    Thank you šŸ˜ƒ

  • Of course and if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!

  • @Pantyhose King Thanks again for the links to your podcats.  OMG!  You and McSheer are nuts.  Hilarious!  Will send you a PM instead of hijacking this thread for these purposes.

  • I think this is wonderful. I will definitely find the link to the podcast!

  • @Jackie Here's a link to what PH King and McSheer have on YouTube, if you're interested.  Enjoy.  Some of them are quite hilarious! šŸ˜†  Just click on this.


  • Thank you Carrie.

  • @Jackie YW, of course šŸ˜

  • Hey guys, I'm loving the podcast! Great work and looking forward to your future work. The interviews with Robert and Kathy were great, and I'd like to see more interviews with people from the pantyhose community. 

  • @Kels Leggit We got some coming up!

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