Rank top pantyhose/nylon wearing celebs

  • Here's my top celebrities that often wear pantyhose/nlyons:

    1-Kate Middleton (love how she often wears & nude color)

    2-Ariana Grande 

    3-Selena Gomez

    4-Jennifer Aniston 

    6-Christy Brinkley

    7-Kate Beckinsale  

    8-Kim Kardashian

    9-Paris Hilton

    10-Brittany Spears

  • Julie I would say those are excellent celebrity picks. I think Kate Middleton has fantastic legs!

  • I do not believe that Jennifer Aniston wears PH unless forced.  She was on Friends,  and the few episodes I watched she never wore PH.

    I believe that you will find that most celebrities are in a contest to see who can wear the least amount of clothing with out being arrested.   When I grew up my made sure that I knew that going anywhere nice you always wear PH, a proper fitting bra, underwear and a dress that leaves a lot to the imagination.  That is how I dress even if I am just going out with a friend. 

  • Vanna White & Lori Greiner...

  • @Jamie Smiths Jennifer seems to wear more black pantyhose than anything in public, in movies, and certainly on Friends, although she did wear nude stockings a few times in movies. Regardless it's always great when she wears. 

  • My husband told me about a news lady that's on Instagram that likes to apparently model pantyhose at her job and beyond. Kelsey Kernstine. Looks like see likes nude and black pantyhose and even states what she wears in videos. 

  • @g t Pantyhose wears of the 80s like Suzanne Somers, Catherine Bach, and Fran Dresher were awesome. 

  • @Julie  

    I forgot about Catharine Bach.

    Have not seen her lately, she is not old . . .

  • A few pictures of celebrities in pantyhose that have been making the rounds in recent months.

    Kim Kardashian Wedding Photo:

    Kim Kardashian Wedding Photo

    Jennifer Anniston began the new year by showing her fans that in 2022, leg extensions can (and should) be done in nylon.

    Jennifer Anniston High Kick

    Christie Brinkley proves that real women wear pantyhose with open toe shoes.  (Are there any real women left in the world?)  šŸ¤”

    Christie Brinkley

    Dua Lipa shatters the myth that only grannies wear pantyhose:

    Dua Lipa

    Katie Holmes sure loves her polka dotted pantyhose.  (And so do we!): šŸ˜

    Katie Holmes

    This photo speaks volumes.  Notice that the woman who is not wearing pantyhose is holding the umbrella for the woman who is!   This is the rule, and I have no problem with it whatsoever!  šŸ˜‰

  • Julie, I might have put your list in a different order; I think you picked the best celebrites. Kate Middleton really shows class with the outfits and the tights that she wears. She brought sheer tights back into the mainstream for awhile in the USA. A lot of people in the USA believe hosiery went out of fashion for all women; however, in 2007-2008 a lot of women were wearing sheer hosiery in London. Now in the UK and Germany tights are really in fashion. Hosiery sales have increased in the USA, so we will see what happens here.

  • My List 

    Sandra Bullock

    Anna Kendrick

    Mellisa Rauch

    Melissa Joan Hart

    Emma Bunton

    Soni Panda as well.


  • @g t if anyone knows the type of pantyhose that Lori Greiner wears, please let us know.

  • @D H might be from the Spanx line.  I know that she and Sara Blakely are personal/professional friends.  Of course Spanx was bought out by Blackstone Capital, so who knows now.

  • Sydney Sweeney, ladies and gentlemen:

    Sydney Sweeney


    Sydney Sweeney

  • Kristen Stewart.  Holy $#@!  šŸ˜

    Kristen Stewart

    Kristen Stewart

  • @Larrys Strong Sorry to disappoint, but Kristen hits for the other team.  She isn't into dudes.

  • @Carrie Stuart CN

  • I LOVE that second photo of Sydney.  Super cute outfit, and fabulous legs. Gorgeous tights too - I wonder which brand / type they are. Sheer to waist, I hope. 

  • @JA that's not Kristen Stewart, that's Jena Malone.

  • @Paul H Giampetroni the IMDB website says that it is indeed Kristen. Jenna was wearing a different outfit

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