Hello friends! New member to the forum (I didn't even realize this wonderful resource existed until I noticed it in the menu drop down)! I am on the hunt for sheer to waist pantyhose, but with a sheer nylon gusset; i.e. the gusset is the same nylon as the legs. Does such an item exist? I think I've looked through all the brands, but nothing seems to fit the bill. I am hoping that someone here might know?
Thank you JA; I do have some pairs of pantyhose that have no gusset (i.e. just a seam going from front to back), but I am hoping to find a pair that has a gusset (I am just wanting that gusset to be completely sheer, preferrably of the same nylon material as the rest of the pantyhose). I know Pearl & Poseidon offered a pair like this (I think it was the Sirene), but they discontinued it...
Oh, sorry for the confusion, Randi. I know exactly what you're talking about, but unfortunately I can't recall a brand or name. (I'm a guy, so my knowledge of the subject is a bit limited, but I've been a HUGE fan all my life.)
Beautiful photo, by the way. And welcome to the forum, where women are rare, but whose presence are always very much appreciated!
Hi JA; I feel like I am going to burst your bubble, but I'm just a part time girl... I'm trying to figure out an elegant way to explain it, but I've got the same OEM equipment as you do 😉
That's okay, Randi. I do feel encouraged when I discover a woman who is "into" pantyhose (both figuratively and physically) considering the painful drought we've been under for wayyy too many years, so I apologize for the confusion.
And I know some women like the feeling of having a single seam through the middle rather than a gusset of any type, so your preference makes perfect sense now.
I am not sure why women generally have such an aversion to pantyhose; I myself find enjoyment in them every day! It's hard for me to understand why one *wouldn't* want to enjoy this silky sensation as much as possible 😋